SageWoman Blogs

With the world in crisis, with women disempowered and disenfranchised around the globe, including here in the United States, it is more vital than ever to find our own "sacred roar" and rebirth Her onto the world stage as deity, archetype and ideal. With our pink-handled machetes we blaze a trail forward toward a new normal!

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Feminist / Green Man Father's Day at Goddess Temple in Orange County, CA

I wanted to share the experience Roy, my husband of thirty years, and I had at the Goddess Temple of Orange County Friday night as the temple celebrated their first Green Man Father's Day. The temple for sometime now has been shifting toward welcoming families and on Fourth Sundays had been inviting men to the temple. Like the Green Man, Consort of Goddess, these men are encouraged to emulate feminist ideals or archetypes of protector, supporter, nurturer. These are the men of our future.

During the the evening the men who have helped the temple were honored - the men who built the Sekhmet's 4' pyramid throne, and do all the things at the temple the priestesses don't have the abilities or money to do.  As each of the men stepped forward to share a few words, I have to tell you how gratifying it was to hear herstory coming from the lips of men. As I sat in the room and listened to one of the men talk about being a devout Christian in his twenties, then realizing the inconsistencies, to discovering the Divine Mother, then hearing him tell how patriarchy has dealt women and the planet a lousy blow - I had goose bumps and I had to hold back tears.

When I was called up to the mic to give a few comments I couldn't help but say these men, including my dear Roy, are the ones we've been waiting for to help us change the world. These are the men who can give women hope as they become our allies. I added to the list of reasons we appreciate them that we love and appreciate them most when they are encouraging the women in their lives to be the best they can be, to not hide their light under a bushel, to not control their lives, and how gratifying it is to see them working toward an egalitarian partnership with women.

I wished I had t-shirts to hand out to them all with the word Feminist on it because they were truly helping us usher in a Feminist Father's Day, an idea that was circulating around the internet the week preceding Father's Day.  An idea whose time has surely come!


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Karen Tate is a six-times-published author, sacred tour leader, ordained minister, social justice activist, national speaker and radio show host of the long-running Voices of the Sacred Feminine on Blog Talk Radio.  She was recently named one of the Top 13 Most Influential Women in Goddess Spirituality and can be seen in the award winning film produced by actress Sharon Stone and Wonderland Entertainment, Femme: Women Healing the World. Her book titles, latest to earliest include: Voices of the Sacred Feminine: Conversations to ReShape Our World, Goddess Calling: Inspirational Messages and Meditations of Sacred Feminine Liberation Thealogy, Walking An Ancient Path: Rebirthing Goddess on Planet Earth, and Sacred Places of Goddess: 108 Destinations. For more information on Karen go to or email her at


  • Ted Czukor
    Ted Czukor Monday, 16 June 2014

    Thank you for acknowledging those men, Karen. I count myself in their number, and I suspect that there are more of us than you may have realized. Be careful, though, not to sound like you couldn't have won the revolution without us. Your feminist sisters would take you to task for that!

  • Karen Tate
    Karen Tate Monday, 16 June 2014

    You're so right Ted, I'm looking over my shoulder for the axe someone will no doubt throw. I guess I just want women who believe men aren't in this battle with us to some really are. On several occasions I've taken some hits for allowing men on my radio show, "as if men have something worthwhile to say" was how women opposed to partnership with men have expressed their disappointment with me, saying I wasn't a real woman. I just put on my bullet proof vest and keep moving forward. :)

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