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SageWoman Blogs

At SageWoman magazine, we believe that you are the Goddess, and we're devoted to celebrating your journey. We invite you to subscribe today and join our circle...

Here in the SageWoman section of PaganSquare, our bloggers represent the multi-faceted expressions of the Goddess, feminist, and women's spirituality movements.

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Winter Solstice

Observing the cycle of changing light on our dear planet all year long has brought us to Winter Solstice, the simultaneous ending and beginning of the solar year. A blessed poise suspends us.

The Great Mother gives birth to the first speck of reborn light, barely believable after its agonizing absence. The longest night and the start of incense was originally called Yule, from the Anglo-Saxon Iul, wheel. At the center of the Wheel we look in the mirror. We see the seeds of our intentions, our hopes for Gaia's future. 

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This is the time of b2ap3_thumbnail_78036167_2490378187841055_3926545641299247104_o.jpg
waning and rebirth,
retreat and re-emergence,
the patience of rest,
the renewal of will,
the brightness of hope,
the warmth of embers
in a long night.

Happy Solstice! I have a Winter Ritual Kit and a bundle of companion materials including a guided audio ritual walkthrough available to you

Thank you for walking through this year with me!

May you find wisdom in the silent spaces, courage in the mystery, and the power to make the choices you know you need to make to activate your dreams.

Much love,

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Movements for Greater Magnetism to the Brain and Bones

*10 minutes a day is all you need to do these techno-spirituality movements, to strengthen your brain and bones!

1. THE LUNGE: With fingers entwined, shoved downward, then with thumbs and forefingers connected make a triangle, then bring hands to forehead, pressing lightly on the third eye, then flip hands up on top of the head, stretching upward; at the same time lunging to the right with right leg, then bring arms down to your side and bring right leg in; repeat this finger entwined motion, and lunge to the left with left leg.

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Mementos of Friends

I took the red and white baking dish out of the drawer under the oven and set it on the counter. An image of the person who had given it to me rose in my mind, and I sighed. We had been friends for many years. Now however she had joined the angels that she so often spoke of. Her faith was strong and she shared it on occasion though not intrusively. A colorful character, she was always fun to see and over the years she had given me other gifts I cherished.

As I reached to put on my earrings, I opened a small trinket box and fished around for a tiny plastic "ear nut." I keep a lot of them in it, ready to make sure I don't lose a precious earring. The pretty little box with a woman on the lid was another gift from a special friend and I think of her always when I open it to get one. There is a pair of cute stretchy pants in my drawer, a present from a friend who has moved away, so I don't see her any longer. I am happy to have this reminder of her and of our friendship.

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A worldly empire does not provide safety. There is only the Great Void. It is my safety. It is the Goddess’ nurturing and loving Self.

A possible problem when pursuing success, in business or your personal life, is a false sense that you’re building an empire in which you will find safety. There is no secure empire, there is only the Great Void. And it is the one secure Empire.

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May I be inspired. b2ap3_thumbnail_75392784_2474522466093294_7626079059591561216_o.jpg
May I be grateful.
May I walk in ease
and devotion.

As I have noted several times here on this blog, this June I fell and hurt my ankle, which confined me to flat surfaces and my back deck instead of the long walks on the road and through the woods that I so enjoy and find so nourishing of my creativity and spirituality. In my time on the deck, I started to ponder devotion and building devotional practices and from those contemplations the Goddess Devotional prayerbook was born. My family jokes that I fell down and when I got back up, I’d written a book. This was a surprise project for me this year, not something I expected to create, and I’m really pleased with it.

Free pdf version and a collection of additional resources is available here

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Sharing Some Wisdom

          A visiting teacher who had come to a weekly yoga class I attended shared his personal mantra: "I know nothing, I want to learn." At the time this seemed a negative way to approach life. I now understand this to mean what the Buddhists intend by "beginner's mind." If I think or believe I know all about something, my mind will be closed to learning more. I have learned much from the many spiritual paths I have studied, and I appreciate what I have gained. I've stored up the most helpful teachings and incorporated them into my life, using them to live by.

Stephen and I were celebrating my birthday with my daughter and her fiancé. "Can you share some wisdom," she asked, "things you have learned over the years?" I thought about it, and nothing came to mind just then. Later that evening I realized she had given me a fine theme for my latest love note. I told her and she agreed. I began to think what I wanted to share with my readers. As I went to bed that night my mind continued to whirl with thoughts.

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