A Faerie Haven: Living in Myth, Being Magic

For some people, magic isn't something they do, it is what they are. This blog focuses less on theory and more on lyrical mysticism, applied spellcrafting, experiential awareness of Divinity, and related topics. A haven for you who long to become your myth and live your poem. Faerie tales do come true.

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A Healthy Silence about Magic, Art, and Life

Silence about one’s magic is a long-standing witch—and Druid— tradition.


Buddha would not discuss theory or cosmology because doing so wouldn’t leave enough time for spiritual practices. I feel somewhat similarly about magical spells I do. 


Talking about them more than needed drains the energy out of them and distracts me from the focus, inner growth, and realizations that help me do an effective, safe spell. 


To a great extent, the same goes for my art projects. (Shamanism is my primary art form, but I’m differentiating between art and shamanism momentarily, for the sake of this post.) Discussing my art projects more than needed robs me of the energy, focus, realizations, and growth I need to do the projects and to do them well.


If shamanism is an art, the Muse visits the shaman. Too much talk keeps me from hearing Her, my Goddess Whose companionship I seek and thrive in.


Discussing my magical and creative enterprises can also distract me from the joy I might find in them.


What I’ve written above holds true in other areas of my life, e.g., the pursuit of a business goal. 


There are more reasons holding silence about witchcraft is a long-standing witch tradition. Here are two ways to learn them: 


1) Give it some thought, trusting your common sense, and some of those reasons will be revealed. 


2) Hold silence about your magic that is underway, except when discussing it is important, and you’ll experience some reasons.


Though pursuing discourse about one’s projects while they’re still under way obviously has great merit, I try to carefully choose when I do so. I don’t want to substitute talking for living.

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Francesca De Grandis aka Outlaw Bunny is the bestselling author of "Be a Goddess!" Founder of The Third Road, a Faerie Shamanism tradition that she teaches through both text and oral tradition, De Grandis says, "I'm a trickster working for benevolent chaos Gods, so I don't play mean tricks." Bard, painter, mystical innovator, and busy elf who works part-time for Santa Claus, she blogs here and on her own sites, www.stardrenched.com and www.outlawbunny.com


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