Words to the Wise: Sharing Life, Lessons, and Observations

Words to the Wise is a collection of stories, observations and insight drawn from my own experience both in the past and in the present, together with my perspective on what I may have learned in the process. Occasional poetry and astrological insights will be included when appropriate. I welcome comments, suggestions and thoughts of all kinds and am happy to respond.

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Growing up a Mystic


When I was growing up I lived a couple of miles from a small seaside town on a large property that belonged to my Great Aunt Alice. I didn't have any siblings until I was almost nine. Virtually an only child, I was surrounded by busy adults and often told to stop bothering them and find something to do. A voracious reader, when I wasn't nose deep in a book, I played games of pretend, making believe I was someone other than a lonely child in an isolated neighborhood with only herself to rely on for amusement.

          I had quite a collection of teddy bears, dolls and other stuffed animals. When I was small I was sure they came alive at night. This belief was influenced by Johnny Gruelle's Raggedy Ann and Andy books. These innocent stories about a group of toys that had adventures were written in the early 1900s and became even more popular in the 30's and 40's. In these stories, ice cream cones grew on trees, cupcakes and hot dogs could be plucked from bushes and lemonade and sodas were available in puddles and brooks.

          Raggedy Ann's magical woods full of "fairies and elves and everything" held all sorts of fun inventions that I yearned to experience for myself. I loved the stories and used to watch my toys to see whether they too might have adventures while I was sleeping. Sometimes I thought I spotted them in different positions than I had left them, though I could never be sure.

          Later I moved on to books by Robert Louis Stevenson, Alexander Dumas, and Edgar Rice Burroughs. Then I wanted to be a pirate or have exciting adventures when I became a grown up. I made bows and arrows out of handy branches and tied string to my father's hoe and rake to make a hobby horse. If my father needed his rake he knew where to look--in my lilac bush "stable."

          My family believed in fresh air and I spent a lot of time all year round out of doors in nature. Where we lived I was fortunate in having a large open area to play in There were all kinds of trees to climb and large fields of tall grass that I made into my private jungle. My pretend life was much more interesting than my actual one. The world I lived in as a young child was without TV  or any form of electronic toy or game. I had to use my imagination to conjure up my entertainment.

     I wonder if my childhood led me to grow up looking at the world from a different perspective than most. Steeped in nature and the creativity of my mind, I lived in an imaginary world of my own devising. Today I perceive links and patterns everywhere. i find significance in synchronicity and receive messages from the nature around me. The world was then and still is alive for me in a way today's youth may not discover. With the current focus on electronics, most children growing up today will not have my opportunities. I learned then to listen and to observe nature and the world that surrounded me and found there a sense of companionship and comfort that is with me still. 


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Practical mystic and poet Tasha Halpert writes a column called Heartwings Love Notes for a Joyous Life, as well as a monthly astrology column for the internet. She writes a weekly perspective column for the Grafton News called Good Earthkeeping.  Her poems and essays have appeared in Quest Magazine, For the Love of Life, Heart and Wings, The Unicorn, and other publications. She is staff poet and storyteller for the Unicorn, and a regular part of Granny Moon’s Morning Feast. Her book Heartwings: Love Notes for a Joyous Life is available; She has another in preparation: Up to my Neck in Lemons, as well as a poetry chapbook: Poems and Prayers. With her writings she hopes to be of help and comfort and perhaps even entertaining.  With her husband Stephen she lives in Grafton and is the mother of 5, grandmother of 7, and great grandmother of 2.  


  • Francesca De Grandis
    Francesca De Grandis Wednesday, 21 June 2017

    I so relate! I too grew up quite solitary, and have often said it allowed me create my own world, a wonderful world that I continue to create and inhabit, a world that I know to be real. It is a world of magic—my style magic—and I am not alone in it anymore because people come visit me in it to learn my magical style. Some might call them my students, and so they are, but, more, they are my fellow travelers, my fellow dwellers in our various magical worlds. We visit each other's worlds! So growing up alone ended up being quite a blessing. Thanks for sharing about your childhood!

  • Tasha Halpert
    Tasha Halpert Wednesday, 21 June 2017

    Thank you, it is interesting to be able to create a world for oneself and to dwell there with others. I am most fortunate in eventually, after a stretch of time raising children with another, meeting a partner to share my world with and now for 40 years we have adventured together learning and growing an sharing with others when can be shared. I hear you about "students" became it is more about mentoring, I think than studying.

  • Francesca De Grandis
    Francesca De Grandis Wednesday, 21 June 2017

    We are blessed! Thanks for your response. Have a lovely evening.

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