We’Moon Holy Days: Seasonal Blessings

In each edition of the We’Moon datebook, we feature one Holy Day writer who shares with us her unique perspectives of each of the eight holy days. This year, we have the pleasure of sharing the work of Oak Chezar. Oak is a radical Dyke, performance artist, Women's Studies professor, psychotherapist, writer, & semi-retired barbarian. She lives in a straw bale, womyn-built house. She just published "Trespassing", a memoir about Greenham Common Womyn's Peace Camp. Whilst working & playing towards the decimation of patriarchy & industrial civilization, she carries water. oakchezar@gmail.com

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Winter Warmings




Thanksgiving and Black Friday can be a stressful time with family obligations or even the loneliness of being without a tribe.

The landscape outside may be cold and bare, but this is a time to start cultivating and grounding down for the crazy energy that holiday months can create.

With the sun entering into Sagittarius, our inner thrill seeker coupled with the Waning Half moon in Leo will help draw us out of winter hibernating just in time for gatherings of thanks and gratitude.

Rhea Wolf advises that "in our fear of destruction, we often forget that the forest occasionally needs fire to return vital nutrients to the soil and make space for new life. This is a good metaphor for what Sagittarius is going through right now. Some aspects of yourself need to be cleared out to make space for new life. It may not sound sexy or appealing to your adventurous spirit, but as you face the consequences of past actions and deal with unfinished business, know that you are making great strides on the road to self-fulfillment. " (Rhea Wolf © Mother Tongue Ink 2015 WM '16)

 We wish all our witchy We'Mooners warmth and wealth!
Leah  (We'Moon Production Deva)

Jessica Perlstein San Francisco, CA) is a visual artist with a strong message of taking action toward
respecting a thriving planet and the
resulting reality we can create when we choose to be aware of our symbiotic
relationship with nature.

Rhea Wolf (Portland, OR) is a feminist, witch, performing poet, astrologer,
mother, and community healer whose life purpose is to soulfully nourish the
emerging culture. Author of The Light That Changes: The Moon in Astrology,
Stories, and Time, she teaches at Portland School of Astrology





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We'Moon: Gaia Rhythms for Womyn, the iconic astrological datebook, is a best-selling moon calendar, earth-spirited handbook in natural rhythms, and visionary collection of women's creative work, now in its 38th year of publication. www.wemoon.ws
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