A Divine Womb of Light: The Alchemy of the Goddess
A Divine Womb of Light is an exploration of the Sacred Feminine and the application of Her transformative energies. These writings will have the intent and focus of inspiring and quickening within the individual a thirst for deeper connection and opening to the magick and gnosis of the Goddess in all of Her forms. She is the Mother, the Uraeus, the Muse, the Warrior, and the Healer, to name a few. SHE is the cycle of life and death and all that is held between; and my goal is to share the wisdom of her Womb of Light that all may claim their Divine birthright.
The Lover's Flame of Beltane
The air is warm and sweet. Life is budding all around and May flowers stretch across a field of freshly paint greenery, the faint scent of their perfume on gentle warm breeze. My heart beats rapidly in anticipation and I look out over sunlight space seeking your face. A stream of electrified energy moves up my spine awakening all of my senses as I feel the heat of your breath at the back of my neck. I turn to face you and two small suns flash with desire from the depths of eyes that have lovingly gazed upon my face in seasons past. Breath hangs in the air suspended in timelessness as I, the Maiden, reach out to you, my consort. Earth and Sun sigh into the release of consummate union and passion’s light burns with heat and intensity, as each lover’s flame becomes the singular flame that fuels the passion of Beltane.
As the Wheel continues its cycle of light we turn our focus towards stimulating the dynamics of creation within. At the time of the Vernal Equinox we did the work of seeking balance and honoring the pause of that space strengthening an awareness illuminated by the potential that is held within the fertile space of manifest form. We found this space of balance within ourselves and opened in receipt of taking in more of the light continues to expand as it surrounds us outwardly. This opening to receiving the downpour of the light of growth was the preface to the union of the polarities at Beltane.
Now, at the time of Beltane we can use this illumined awareness to enjoy the blessings of manifest form. We are lit deeply from within and the light of that will to passion attracts to itself whatever is the object of its desire. We love and dance as we engage all of our senses in the beauty that springs forth from every space of earthly delights. We move around the phallus of maypole in a state of excited vibration seeing creative potential opening just as the flowers adorning it open to take in more of sun’s strengthening light. We nestle into hollow of fertile earth, seeking it as our only clothing of adornment as we become enraptured in the scent and physicality of earth in another’s body. We bring to life the seeds of our creative efforts and offer space for growth. It is of no matter how that new life takes form; physical and spiritual are equally important as one feeds the other and desire takes hold that is primal in instinct and pure in intention towards life.
This exchange of creative potency become the polarities of magnetic attraction that take the forms of male and female, God and Goddess and are the positive and negative charges needed to generate sufficient electrical current of vibrant and pulsing Light to flow and move towards a state of overt Life. This is the time of procreation and as such the continuation of what has been seeded within is ready to be conceptualized and brought forth into manifest form. Like attracts like and we use the electro-magnetic attraction of our inner sun to create the cycle of connection and flow to the physical sun. We open to receiving and mirroring back the life giving properties as above, so below, and what is conceived within, becomes the manifest expression of that creation without.
Astrologically, Beltane falls during the solar month of Taurus, the Bull and heralds the fecundity of the season and the promise of what may be gifted from the attraction of polarized opposites and their ultimate union. This is stable and strong energy that holds fast to the foundations of manifest form and life and ensures the cycle of life will continue. Steadfast in its purpose and reliable in its efforts, what flows during Beltane’s opening is a celebration of the desire to create and the strength of our physical form to act as container for this goal. The energy expend by the instinctive nature of the Bull effectively completes the work needed to sustain physical and emotional body. The off spring of its mating will maintain the work that was begun by the father that sired and the mother that birthed.
In ancient times the agricultural societies relied on the sexual union of maiden and youth and if the act was consummated in the fields it would ensure the fertility of the crops that would sustain and feed. The abandon of sexual coupling on May’s eve confirmed the connection to land and animal, desire and lust. Children born of these unions were blessings upon the communities and a sign that the natural world was full in its potential. The potent life force contained within sexual energy is a familiar concept that flows through many spiritual practices. The practice of sexual Tantra and the priestesses and priest that engage its principals direct the flow of this climatic energy towards effect in the spiritual planes and self-evolvement. The Great Rite of the Wiccan practice affirms the enlivening of this energy and even when practiced as the symbolic Great Rite (using athame and chalice as uniting tools rather than physical union) its energy is palpable and transformative in continuing the flow of magick begun. This is the Will to Life and the anchoring of this will in manifestation.
Beltane holds the key to uniting the energy of these polarities of our own being. The strength and physical tides held in the aspect that is of the God and the nurturing and healing of the Goddess. Coming to a place of acceptance and love of who we are and what creative potential we hold is consummating the relationship of the polarities within. Each polarity holds within itself the Divine spark of creation. As the potency of Beltane’s union reaches its climax, the two become as one, each offering freely of its own nature of positive and negative charge in creation of the flaming beacon that is the integrated whole of the enlivened and creative “you”, a child of physical union and a child of the cycle of Divine Light that seeks out itself within the flame of your seeding.
A Meditation of Quickening Light
Choose a space where you will not be disturbed. Relax into a comfortable chair or other space. Establish an even and steady flow of breath, allowing your focus of awareness to gently settle into the space just at the level of your legs and thighs (Root Chakra) . Breathe into this space and open your senses to the experience of your legs resting on the surface below you and the feel of leg and thigh pressing into the chair or floor. Gently tense the muscles in your lower limbs and make note of the strength and feel of flesh, bone, tendon and muscle.
Move your awareness up to the space of your pelvic bowl (Sacral Chakra) . This is the creative vessel that holds the seed or egg of potential for life. This is the space of release and container of womb of receipt. Breathe into the spaciousness of this part of your body. Feel the warmth and sensation of awakening as you allow the energy of breath to flow through this creative gateway. Move this area of your body rocking gently side to side envisioning the flow of creative potency and vitality. Breathe into this movement as the bowl of your creative desire fills with life force.
Draw this energy up into the space of your center core (Solar Plexus) . Focus your awareness on the filling of this core with the flowing life force of your creative potential and the anchoring of the physical support of leg and thigh. Breathe into this space allowing the energies to co-mingle, feeling the warmth of the inner sun as it generates it life-sustaining power to what you have called forth. Breathe deeply and fully into the experience of enlivening this central space within. These are the spaces of physicality that flow into heart, lung, arm and head. These are the anchors that hold your physical form connected to the earth and the instinctual urges towards procreation and survival. Envision light filling your lower body and mid-section. This light glows brightly, expanding with each breath and radiating throughout all of your body. You feel the heat of the sun and the flow of creative energy moving strongly and purposefully. Allow these energies to move as they will for as long as you wish.
When you have received all that is needed, envision all of the energy that has run through you coming into the core center of your solar plexus. See and feel it all moving deep into the center of this inner sun creating the space of renewal and stimulation for everything that you wish to bring into manifestation. Inhale deeply taking from the waves of energy flowing into this center. Offer thanks for this experience of quickening and the uniting of all that makes you fully human.
Allow your awareness to return to focus on your breath, the rise and fall of your chest and the physicality of your being in the space you are at present. Each breath brings this awareness into sharper focus and attention. And, when you are ready gently flutter your eyes open and be present in the here and now.
Image: 123rf/DeviantArt
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