Third Wave Witch: Feminist Spirituality, Spiritual Feminism
Third Wave Witchcraft explores the intersection of feminism, Witchcraft, Goddess Spirituality, and feminist activism. A place to explore how to make our spirituality more feminist, our feminism more spiritual, and our world more just.
Weekly Goddess Inspiration: Isis
It seems somehow appropriate that Isis is my Goddess for the week....
Isis is one of the first faces of the Goddess I met, on a trip in 1996 to Egypt. I was new to Goddess religion and just really coming into my own feminism, and was drawn to her as much out of a childhood fascination with Ancient Egypt as anything else. But a trip to her temple at Philae, including an encounter with a women's Goddess pilgrimage group who were chanting in the sanctuary, brought her very much into my awareness. I felt Goddess in a way I never had before, in every fiber of my body. And so Isis is often the face of the Goddess I turn to for healing, for connection.
I'm in the midst of healing some things for myself right now, and it's not always been easy -- friendships outgrown, spiritual practices in need of rejuvenating, career ambitions both reignited and reconsidered. There's been a lot of "letting go" energy for me, and endings (even when they are necessary) are so often painful.
I'm glad to have Isis with me this week, and on this journey, as I continue to walk and dance toward my own wholeness.
Questions to Consider
What are you letting go this week?
What are you healing? What do you need to heal?
What does healing mean to you?
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